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Solidarity events
and of
Land available
For the young


As an association settling in an urban area and aiming to promote Caribbean agriculture, crafts and art, it was quite naturally obvious that we would offer nearby populations as well as all those who can and wish to travel, cultural events with Caribbean speakers.


Indeed, we plan to organize events within our premises, starting with the opening of the store where we have planned a musical scene as well as a conference/debate.

(Info to come...)


You will therefore have understood it, with Natural Livity get ready to discover agriculture, crafts and art in another way; in the program :



Live Concerts

Support groups


Sound System

Culinary discoveries


Art presentations

etc ...


We prepare all of this carefully in order to meet you each time with the desire to discover new products and incredible speakers who will be able to share their passion with you.


The agricultural land that we have in our possession will be made available to young farmers wishing to work the land in Guadeloupe, or in Dominica during internships provided by the association.

(more info to come...).


Whether they are young graduates of the agricultural college, or holders of a qualifying training, or even with a certain experience

in the agricultural field, it is with pleasure that we will welcome them on our agricultural land. 


To be part of our future occupants,

you will of course have to be a member of the association (Join)

but also be at least 16 years old and be able to answer the questions on our integration form.


As soon as the device is ready to be set up, we will communicate about it in our shop, but also on our website and on our social networks.



Accompagnement à long terme dans l'amélioration de l'état de santé 
Echanges sur des thématiques sociétale
(Agriculture, Alimention, Histoire, etc.)

Nous proposons des accompagnements allant de quelques jours à plusieurs mois, en fonction du public, qui permettront aux bénéficiaires d'améliorer leur état de santé. 

Ces séjours sont donc destinés à des personnes dont la condition physique nécessite une prise en charge, Ces séjours sont réalisés par les membres de l'association et nous travaillons également avec des prestataires qui sont des professionnels qualifiés.

Nous organiserons des conférences débats sur des thèmes divers et variés avec des intervenants impliqués et experts dans leurs domaines respectifs.

Il s'agira donc de participer à des échanges engagés dans le respect des uns et des autres et pendant lesquels la parole sera libre. 

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